Using Replay Collectibles: The PlayTatoVerse
Digital Collectibles activate superpowers in the Replay universe: these powerful mostly Couch Potatoes can unlock exclusive content, boost RPLAY rewards, and even grant governance rights in web3 streaming.

Why the Playtato?
Replay rewards everyone on the video food chain! That means getting content creators paid on-time, in-time for their next creative effort, but it also means celebrating those who the creators do it all for: the tasty tastemakers, the forever fried fans - the thankless Couch Potato!
And Playtatoes, much like their IRL counterparts, are about as versatile as they get.
Collecting Playtatoes, Playtato accessories, all while watching and amplifying content, will level up your profile, unlock private members-only discord channels and open premium playlists. It may even level-up your Viewer Reward Score and impact other Dynamic Reward factors in the future.
What Do Replay Collectibles Do? How Do They Work?
Replay Collectibles can unlock exclusive content, boost RPLAY rewards, and even grant governance rights in web3 streaming. Viewers of web3 TV customize their video experience with Collectibles, so they have the opportunity to be rewarded for what they want to watch. All you have to do is own the collectible in a compatible wallet synced with Replay Dash - then, we'll automatically apply your Collectible's unique superpowers.
Some Collectibles unlock premium content for a particular content library or for a particular web3 community. Others boost rewards.
Replay Collectibles
Collectibles released by Replay team. Including couch lovin’ PlayTaters, PlayTatos & TV Star Cards, Replay Collectibles are created by Replay for the Replay ecosystem.
Boost Collectibles
Video-on-Demand Collectibles — rewards can be ‘stacked’ for up to 5 of these Collectibles — we’ll automatically add up your 5 most powerful multipliers, determined by attribute rarity!
- PlayTaters — these are Membership Collectibles unlocking governance of! PlayTaters unlock a weekly vote on content and exclusive rewards for Tater’s Favorites, a front-page playlist on Membership Collectible holders will also be granted early & exclusive access to future governance features.
- Cyko KO! TV Star Cards — these funded the creation of Cyko KO! The Animated Series pilot starring the reunited Napoleon Dynamite cast! They boost rewards based on attribute rarity, on the Cyko Pick’s playlist, a playlist of movies selected by Cyko KO! team, updating quarterly.
- Halloween PlayTatos — rewards x2 on FlixFling Picks, updating quarterly, based on attribute rarity. Note: to unlock FlixFling content requires a FlixFling PlayTato
- Santa Claus PlayTato — boost rewards on special content, during the Holiday season!
Live TV Collectibles — Rewards x2 on a designated live TV channel, whenever you watch. Cannot be stacked.
- Fuse TV PlayTato — boosts rewards on Fuse TV’s Shades of Black featuring shows like Luther, starring Idris Elba!
- Golden FlixFling PlayTato — boosts rewards on FlixFling Now live channel, featuring classic and modern movies. Note: does not unlock “FlixFling — Paid Access” video-on–demand
Unlock Collectibles
Content Unlock Collectibles — unlocks content. many of these also acting as Boost Collectibles
- FlixFling Playtatos — unlocks “FlixFling — Paid Access” titles, including the FlixFling Picks playlist, rewarded by Halloween PlayTatos.
- Cyko KO! TV Star Cards — these funded the creation of Cyko KO! The Animated Series pilot starring the reunited Napoleon Dynamite cast! Unlocks the animated pilot at launch, currently in-production.
- Super Secret Pine-Tato — boost rewards on Super secret Pineapple Society watch parties & unlocks “The Grove”
Replay Supported Collectibles
Popular existing NFT collections made RPLAY-able: enabling unique content unlock and boosted rewards. Could your Moonbird be a movie ticket? Maybe now it can! Own an ape with a cowboy hat? You may just find, for example, that you’re earning boosted RPLAY rewards when watching Westerns on Replay ecosystem.
- Tigons — boosted rewards on Tigon watch parties
- Some other popular collections already can be activated to be used as PFPs 👀
Notes on Rewarding:
Video-on-Demand — rewards on any given title will half on repeat viewings.
Live TV — watching the same TV channel for more than 3 hours in a 24 hour period will half rewards. Rewards reset every 24 hours so you can watch your favorite channels daily!
How Can I Get My Hands On A PlayTato, PlayTater or other Digital Collectible So They Can Freeload On My Couch, Eat My Snacks and Watch Movies With Me?!
Some Replay Digital Collectibles are available on ThetaDrop, but most new collectibles drop right in Replay Dash, our one-stop-shop for managing your web3 streaming experience.
Updated 28 days ago