Where to Watch RewardedTV?
Currently Rewarded TV is live Across All Market Leading Streaming Platforms and Browsers. Some content is available to all viewers, but to access everything and earn rewards, you'll need to create Rewarded.tv and Replay accounts.
Currently Rewarded.tv is available onweb, iOS & tvOS, Android & AndroidTV, Roku, and Amazon Fire TV. To learn how to access Rewarded on any of those platforms, please see below.
Go to www.rewardedtv.com or www.rewarded.tv and click on the 'Register' in the upper right hand corner.

Select the 'hamburger' ☰ button in the upper right hand corner to access the main menu.

Click 'Log In' in the upper right hand corner.

Select 'Click here to Sign up' and create an account. If you've already created a Replay account, make sure you use the same email. If not, you can always make a Replay account right from Rewarded.tv!

Open the iOS app store on your iPhone or iPad by selecting the app store icon.

Open the Search in the bottom right corner of the home screen.

Search for 'Rewarded TV' and download the Rewarded TV app.

Select "Connect with Email' at the bottom.

From there, you can create an account or sign in with an existing account. Make sure use the same email you used when signing up on Replay.
Click the Back button on your Apple TV remote to go to the Home screen (if you're not already there).

Scroll down in your apps until you see the App Store icon; click on it.

Once a user launches the RewardedTV app, they must select any title and hit Play.
If not signed in, this will prompt a new screen that gives the user the following options:
-- Second Screen Login – Allows a user who has already created an account on Web to sign in using a secondary device (phone, tablet, computer). They must simply follow the onscreen instructions, which involves following a specific link and entering an activation code. If a user does not have an account, they have the option on Web to create one after following the onscreen link.
-- Log In – Allows a user who already has an account to simply type in their credentials.
-- Sign Up – Allows a user to create a new account, asking for an email, password, and password confirmation.
Download the RewardedTV app on Roku by selecting the 'home' button on your remote.

On the left sidebar, click on 'Search' at the bottom of the list. This will open the Roku Channel store.

Search for 'Rewarded TV' then download the app.

Go to Rewarded TV, launch the app, select any title then hit Play.\
If not signed in, this will prompt a new screen that gives the user the following options:
--Log In – Allows you to type in your credentials if you already have an account. Make sure it's the same email you used to sign up on Replay.
--Sign Up – Allows you to create a new account, requiring both an email and a password. Roku will automatically populate the email field with the email address that’s connected to your Roku device. Make sure it's the same email you used to sign up on Replay.
Fire TV
Connect your Fire TV Stick to the internet. Otherwise, it won't be able to download apps.
Navigate to the home screen of your Fire TV device.
Navigate to the home screen of your Fire TV device.Once a user launches the RewardedTV app, they must select any title and hit Play.\
If not signed in, this will prompt a new screen that gives the user the following option:
-- Second Screen Login – Allows you to sign in using a secondary device (phone, tablet, computer) if you have created an account on the Web. Simply follow the onscreen instructions, which involves following a specific link and entering an activation code. If you do not have an account, you have the option on Web to create one after following the onscreen link. Make sure it's the same email you used to sign up on Replay.
Android TV
This is the same process as Fire TV. Please see the instructions above.
Android Phone/Tablets
Open the Play Store app store on your Android device by selecting the icon.

Open the Search and type 'Rewarded TV' then install the Rewarded TV app.

From there, you can create an account or sign in with an existing account. Make sure use the same email you used when signing up on Replay.
Updated about 13 hours ago